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The Bigger Picture

"Peace, Be Still" by He Qi
"Peace, Be Still" by He Qi

This weekend we are moving into the call of the first disciples in the gospel of Luke.

Jesus, having just finished his first sermon at his home worshipping community and almost getting killed by his hometown, goes to Capernaum to preach in the synagogues and accomplish some healings. So great a crowd begins to follow him that he needs space. Walking along the seashore, he asks some fishermen to let him get into their boats so that he could have a place from which to be more comfortable as he is teaching.

Afterwards, they put out into the sea and find that their boats cannot contain the number of fish they have caught. They nearly sink.

Jesus then tells them that from now on, they will be "catching" people."

The word in Greek here has roots in the word for life. It really means to "catch for life," or "catch alive," or entrall or captivate. And the disciples find themselves so captivated that they give up everything - lives, families, possessions - to go and follow Christ.

A wise colleague asked me recently: what does it mean for one to be captivated by Jesus?

Some portions of the church would say that we should fall down and worship as Simon Peter does and wail about being grievous sinners.

Yet Jesus responds by telling them not to fear, for now they have a new calling. He does not really acknowledge this confession of sin, but instead draws their attention to the bigger picture in front of them.

What is that bigger picture?

Well, taken in context, being right next to that sermon in Nazareth, the big picture is how God's Love has been set loose in the world. Tangibly. Irrevocably. Radically.

The broader perspective includes bringing food, clothing, housing, and medical care to the poor, for that is good news. It is release to those who languish in prison and those who live in the social and economic prisons the world has created. It is having sight restored to those who have been physically blind and those who have refused to see what was right in front of them. It is breaking chains and ending oppression for individuals and tearing down systems that perpetuate it. It is the beginning of a time when all monetary debts are forgiven, slaves are freed, and lands are returned to their original owners - all in the literal sense.

It is God's Love turning the world upside down. Really, rightside up.

Catching people in this life and making it the world better, because when we love our neighbors (that's every other human on this planet, by the way

), then we are loving God.

So, are you giving into the fear of all the world tells us is wrong with us? Or are you living into your calling to captivate people with God's Love?


Rev. Janie

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